Lots of Videos

This one’s a mixture of claymation and vaguely realistic, if you ignore the curse of perfect cheekbones, skin and teeth. I’m not sure why she’s wearing a mushroom on her head. The video is made using Midjourney and Deforum Studio, the music is Suno, messed about with and mastered in Logic and the text is heavily edited Claude or one of his mates, can’t remember which. Look out for the rabbits

An early bit of playing about with Suno and deforum, with input from midjourney and audio messing about in Logic. Upscaled to 4K with Topaz. The golden bird allegory thing is nicked off Yeats.

Under the Influence

Golden Bird

Alone Together

Second attempt at getting my avatar to sing. She’s had lessons in opening her mouth properly and a bob cut to help the keying. The voice is Suno, the rest of the track Logic with my new and rather nice IK grand piano. The background video is Chaotica, and the singer Midjourney and Hedra.

Memory Drift

Video, A single Midjourney abstract image, Deforum studio, Topaz and Da Vinchi. Music, Logic Pro.